Nina Karpachova: “Igor Slisarenko – role-model of the honest Ukrainian journalism”

We have lost a strongly committed fan of life, a man of restless heart, a highly responsible citizen, a talented journalist and a prominent television broadcaster. With his words full of wisdom he inspired millions of people to fight for human rights, human dignity and justice.
All of us who knew Igor admired his sociability, cheerfulness, inexhaustible optimism, high intelligence, broad mind and sphere of interests: political communication, public diplomacy, international relations, education ... Associate Professor, Candidate of Philology, a favourite of students and TV audience.
Igor was a humanist not only on the national scale, but also worldwide. He felt deeply concerned not only about the blatant violations of human rights and freedoms in Ukraine – he also did not remain indifferent to the fate of nations and countries that suffered from oppression, double standards, and encroachment on their sovereignty. For this reason the representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Ukraine treated him with special reverence.
He would always stand on the side of the truth, no matter what it could cost him. For the sake of the truth and justice he would come into conflict with the authorities as well as the owners of the media he worked in.
My close cooperation with Igor started in 2007. It was during a very difficult time for him, when he was actually dismissed from the "5 Channel" for the honest journalism. I invited him to work in the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights as an Advisor to the Ombudsman of Ukraine since our activities for protection of human rights were fully compatible with his internal values. His advice and estimates were significant and valuable for all five years of our work together. He paid special attention to the protection and fight for the professional rights and freedoms of his fellow journalists.
During the hard times of the institution of the Commissioner for human rights, when this Institution for the protection of human rights started to be ruined, and during the time of the shameful persecution of the Ombudsman staff, which was accompanied by the spread of false information in the media that humiliated human dignity, he was the first to rise to defend the truth, honour and dignity of the Ombudsman staff.
Even in the most difficult moments of his life he was able to maintain peace of the mind and a peaceful smile on his face. He had a unique talent to inspire people to find balance, harmony and hope that justice will surely prevail during their hardships.
At this sad time, I share the pain that gripped the hearts of all those who knew Igor Slisarenko, who had a chance to communicate and work with him, for whom he was an example of devotion to professional duty, a role-model of the honest journalism.
I pray to God to give strength and courage to his parents – Yuri Nikolaevich and Valentina Mikhailivna, his sister Helen, all his relatives, many of his friends, his colleagues from the newspaper "2000" – to live through the deep sorrow and bitterness of this irreparable loss. My heart and soul are with you at this mournful time for all of us.
Nina Karpachova – the First Ombudsman of Ukraine
It would be possible to pay the last respects to Igor Slisarenko on Monday December 23, 2013 from 10:30 to 12:30. His remains will lie in the ritual hall of the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 18 (17 Shevchenko Blvd., near the "University" metro station).