Appeal of the First Ombudsman of Ukraine to the Parliament of Ukraine on overcoming the socio-political crisis in Ukraine

At the same time, negotiations between authorities and opposition, cancelled repressive laws from 16 January 2014, which limited the existing volume of human rights and freedoms in violation of the Article 22 of the Constitution of Ukraine, give us a chance to avoid tragic scenario of development of the situation.
Welcoming the steps made by the Parliament of Ukraine, I see the need to call on the members of the Parliament:
- To unconditionally release all the participants of protests from 30 November 2013 to 30 January 2014.
- To establish a special parliamentary investigatory commission to urgently investigate all violations of human rights during the mass events, especially the right to life.
- To ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (2006) without undue delay. To investigate every fact of disappearance of the protestors in Kyiv as well as other cities of Ukraine.
- To return to the Constitution of Ukraine in version of 2004, according to which it was possible to balance separation of power between its branches and transparently form the highest state executive authority – the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
- To adopt a new version of the Law of Ukraine on the All-Ukrainian referendum to guarantee the possibility for Ukrainian people to express their views on crucial issues with the aim to prevent new disturbances ruining the country in the future.
I would also like to appeal to political forces, all participants of the mass events to refrain from unlawful acts and the use of force. I urge all parties of the conflict to continue the dialogue to find a peaceful resolution of all issues of concern with respect to the principle of the rule of law, Constitution and laws of Ukraine and the international obligations of Ukraine in the field of human rights and freedoms.
Nina Karpachova